New Carer Spotlight: Meet Royanna

At Lakeland Care, we love welcoming new team members who bring warmth, dedication, and a little extra joy to our family. This month, we’re excited to introduce Royanna, one of our newest carers—who just so happens to be out on the patch alongside her mum, Joy! That’s right, we’ve got a mother-daughter duo making a difference together. Didn’t we tell you Lakeland Care is one big family?

What made you want to join the Lakeland Care team? Was this always the plan, or did life take you in a surprising direction?

One reason why I wanted to join Lakeland Care was because growing up, I helped care for my brother. When I saw the job online, I thought, “I’ll give it a go.” I wasn’t sure if the job would be for me, but going out and seeing different clients every day, forming great bonds with them—it’s so rewarding, and I absolutely love the job.

What’s been the best part of being part of the team so far? Any stand-out moments?

The best part of being part of the Lakeland team is that everyone is welcoming with open arms—we’re like a big family. I love making my clients happy by helping them live comfortably and safely at home.

Have you had a funny, heartwarming, or memorable moment “on the patch” that’s stuck with you?

I have experienced many heartwarming and funny moments while being in the job, but one that sticks with me is watching one of my clients improve their mobility day by day. She surprises me every single day, and I feel so proud of her when she helps me make her tea or even just walks around the house. We always have a good laugh, and we share a lovely hug at the end of every visit.

What’s your secret trick for putting a smile on someone’s face during your day?

To be quite honest, I’m not really sure! I just go in as myself—I crack jokes, sing, dance, and act a little bit silly sometimes, which my clients seem to love.

If you had to sum up your job in three words, what would they be—and why?

Rewarding, challenging, and engaging.

This job is definitely rewarding because you see the impact of your role when a client is happy and comfortable at home. It can be challenging at times because you are entering someone’s home, and you never know what kind of day they might be having. And it’s engaging because I see more than ten clients a day, talking with them, doing activities together, and assisting them in living a happy life at home.

When you’re not out and about, how do you unwind or have a bit of fun? Any guilty pleasures?

I play and coach football, which helps me unwind after a busy day. I also love spending time with my partner—she always knows how to put a smile on my face and make my days better.

Are you interested in joining our team of passionate carers?

If you’re looking for a fulfilling career where you can make a real difference, Lakeland Care could be the place for you! Call us today at 01229 585 693 or visit our website to learn more.